라이브 코스
History of Jewish Christian Relations
This course has already started!
코스 정보
Academic Credit Hours
September 28 – December 21, 2022
Wednesdays, 4 – 7 PM GMT+3 (Israel Time)
비학점 또는 석사 학위 레벨
Language: English
코스 수업료
For Personal Enrichment –
$249 USD
For Academic Credit –
$750 USD
For DTS students -
(please provide valid student ID#)
*These fees do not include required textbooks
**Payment is non-refundable

데이비드 미쉬킨 교수 (Dr. David Mishkin)
데이비드 미쉬킨 박사는 유대교와 기독교 간의 관계와 관련된 성서 및 종교 연구로 박사학위를 받았다. 미쉬킨 박사는 이스라엘성서대학(ICB)의 교수로 일하고 있으며 The Wisdom of Alfred Edersheim과 Rabbi and Redeemer : Discovering Yeshua in the Gospel of John 등 여러 권의 학술 서적과 논문을 발표했다. 또한 A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith의 공동 편집자이기도 하다.
History of Jewish Christian Relations
This course has already started!
Course Description
This course will provide the student with a general understanding of the relationship between Jews, Judaism and Christianity. We will discuss issues such as “Christian” anti-Semitism, Jewish views of Jesus (including the often neglected area of Jewish believers in Jesus), theological arguments regarding God’s plan for Israel, and the historic decisions, trends and movements which have contributed to the modern relationship between these two groups.
Course Structure
The lessons will be held through a Zoom format, consisting of lectures and interactive discussions between all participants. All together there will be 10 three hour (with breaks) Live zoom lectures.Recordings will be available to registered students to watch multiple times during the time of the course and for six weeks after it ends. It won’t be possible to download video lectures to personal PC.
We cannot ensure the quality of zoom recordings should technical failures occur. We also cannot gurantee that all parts will be recorded. Therefore, it is NOT possible to register for recordings only. Students need to participate in all live lectures.
Course Goals
Present the origins and a historical overview of the two groups and their relationship to one another.
Examine the factors that lead to such widely divergent theological systems.
Discuss the practical implications of these historical and theological issues.
Learning Outcome
The student will recognize and evaluate the historical events and theological beliefs that have caused controversy between these two groups
The student will integrate and decipher the modern schism between the two groups based on historical analysis.
The student will appreciate God’s promises and faithfulness in spite of humanity’s sin.
Course Dates and Topics
Sep 28
God’s plan for Israel and the nations in TNK
Oct 5
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) in Israel, no class
Oct 12
Feast of Tabernacles, no class
Oct 19
Replacement Theology
Oct 26
Jews and Judaism in the NT
Nov 2
Parting of the Ways: Rabbinic Judaism
Nov 9
Church Fathers and the Jews
Nov 16
Middle Ages Part 1
Nov 23
Thanksgiving Holiday Break at DTS, no class
Nov 30
Middle Ages Part 2
Dec 7
Protestant Reformation / The Modern World
Dec 14
Theological Issues
Dec 21
Contemporary Issues
Required Textbooks
Kessler, Edward, An Introduction to Jewish-Christian Relations (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010)
Chrysostom, John, Homilies Against the Jews